ISO Rating
Bigfork Fire Department has made substantial improvements to receive a ISO PPC 4/10 classification for the fire district, which will be effective on 4/1/2016. Prior to this time, the Class 4 only applied to those areas within 1000 feet of a fire hydrant. With this new survey, the department has gone through the process to extend this coverage to five road miles from all three stations by using a tender shuttle operation. This is a substantial change for those that are not near either the Bigfork or Woodsbay water systems. These properties were originally a Class 9 and now will be Class 4. Class 10 applies to all areas outside of five road miles and that has not changed from the prior rating.
Bigfork Fire Department has made substantial improvements to receive a ISO PPC 4/10 classification for the fire district, which will be effective on 4/1/2016. Prior to this time, the Class 4 only applied to those areas within 1000 feet of a fire hydrant. With this new survey, the department has gone through the process to extend this coverage to five road miles from all three stations by using a tender shuttle operation. This is a substantial change for those that are not near either the Bigfork or Woodsbay water systems. These properties were originally a Class 9 and now will be Class 4. Class 10 applies to all areas outside of five road miles and that has not changed from the prior rating.
The addresses of the Bigfork Fire halls are:
Bigfork Hall
810 Grand Dr. Bigfork, MT 59911 |
Echo Lake Hall
735 Echo Lake Rd. Bigfork, MT 59911 |
Woods Bay Hall
14688 Sylvan Dr. Bigfork, MT 59911 |